Using PHPkoru for PHP 7.3 with Plesk

Installation of PHPkoru Loader for PHP version 7.3 with Plesk

Download the PHPkoru Loader into the Plesk PHP 7.3 modules directory.

wget -O /opt/plesk/php/7.3/lib/php/modules/

Enable PHPkoru Loader

echo "" > "/opt/plesk/php/7.3/etc/php.d/00-phpkoru.ini"

Check after installation

  • Restart Plesk PHP 7.3 FPM service from Plesk > Tools & Settings > Server Management > Services Management

  • If using dedicated FPM applications in Plesk, you will need to restart the Dedicated FPM application from the PHP settings for website

Removing PHPkoru Loader for PHP Version 7.3 from Plesk

You can use the following code to uninstall PHPkoru Loader.

rm -f /opt/plesk/php/7.3/etc/php.d/00-phpkoru.ini && rm -f /opt/plesk/php/7.3/lib/php/modules/

Check after removal

  • Restart Plesk PHP 7.3 FPM service from Plesk > Tools & Settings > Server Management > Services Management

  • If using dedicated FPM applications in Plesk, you will need to restart the Dedicated FPM application from the PHP settings for website

Last updated